Understanding IP Address and function and class IP Address on computer network

For those who are concentrating on the field of computer networks or the Internet world will surely often hear and interact with the name IP Address. Computer network is a form of telecommunications network connected to several computers with the purpose of interacting and mutual exchange – exchanging data.

Generally all computer networks are designed with a client-server model. There are computers that serve as servers and some computers that act as clients or members. The use of IP Address in this case is as the identity of each-each computer that acts as a server or as a client. Similarly, in Internet activity, the use of IP Address is also the naming or identity of each – the host computer.

At the base of his IP Address is a combination of numbers in certain digits and separated by dots. To be able to determine the use of IP Address on each computer, of course also need the fundamentals of knowledge and deep understanding.

Although it reads the guidelines but without any understanding of course everyone will have trouble implementing IP Address. Therefore we will describe and explain in detail the understanding of IP Address and its functions to you. In addition, you will also know the classes in the IP Address.

Understanding IP Address
Essentially the Internet Protocol Address or commonly called IP Address is a binary line of numbers compiled with a range between 32 bits and 128 bits and is used as the identification address on each computer. In computer network science the use of numbers with 32 bits is used in the IP Address specific version of IPv4 while for numbers 128 bits for which the IPv6 version.
In the presence of an IPv6 version to anticipate if IPv4 has run out of capacity considering the technological advances that certainly encourage also the reduced supply of IP Address for the whole world. The higher bits on your computer's IP Address will certainly provide a faster connection of course.

In addition to the IP Address, in the computer network also known term DNS Server and DHCP Server. The three terms play an important role to support the use of your computer in a network system. Normally, the DHCP Server client will automatically receive IP Address addressing. As for the DNS Server, the use of IP Address to set it only on Ipv4.

IP Address function
After understanding the definition and how IP Address works you should also know the main function. There are 2 special functions why you should use IP Address on a network computer system as a host identification tool and as the address of the network location on each computer. In detail will be explained below:

1. IP Address as host identification tool
As we explained earlier, if the computer is like a human, then IP Address will be used as a name or identity especially in all activities related to the network. On the computer network system known terms host and the use of IP Address is intended to identify each – each host. Of course there should be no host that has the same IP Address.

2. IP Address as network location address
In addition to identification of host IP Address use is also intended as network location address. The intention is the naming IP Address can provide information from the country where the computer or host is meant. This function is usually run on the activity using the Internet because the IP Address data can get to the right computer. To check IP Address can go through network settings or use a Web browser.

Class on IP Address
As already explained that IP Address consists of two versions namely IPv4 and IPv6. But you should know that in the IPv4 version alone is available at least approximately 4,294,967,296 hosts around the world. With very much like that, it will certainly be difficult in terms of selection and use. Therefore, it is necessary to type IP Address into several classes.
Basically, IP Address consists of 4 octet, e.g., where 192 is the first octet, 168 octer second and so on. The value of 1 octet is a maximum of 255. To classify the IP Address that much, it is formed 5 classes and consists of A class A to E class (class D and E very rarely used). Each class plays an important role in computer networking systems. In addition, the term Network ID (Net ID) and Host ID are identical with the use of IP Address (except IP Address class D and E).

  1. For IP Address A class A is commonly used on large-scale network systems. The first Bit starts with the number 0. For long Network ID is 1 octet while the Host ID length is 3 octet. The number of hosts in class A can reach 16,777,216.
  2. For IP Address class B is usually more often used on large and medium scale network system with capacity to reach 65,536 host worldwide. The length of the Network ID in this class is 2 octet whereas the length of Host ID 2 octet.
  3. For IP Address class C is used in small scale network system with 256 host capacity only. For long Network ID is 3 octet while the length of Host ID is 1 octet.
  4. For IP Address class D is used specifically for multicasting purposes, where the initial IP address (host) is to 239,255,255,255. In multicasting also do not recognize the term Network ID and Host ID.
  5. For IP Address class E is reserved only for experimental purposes only, where the initial IP address (host) is to 255,255,255,255. Similarly to class D, IP Address class E also does not recognize the term Network ID and Host ID.

That is the article about the understanding of IP address and the function and class of IP address that you should know. With the article above, hopefully you become more understanding of what is IP address, usefulness for what and how many classes in the IP address.

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