Understanding Ring topology and its advantages and disadvantages

There are several types of network topology that you can use, such as the topology of Bus, star, ring, tree and mesh. Each of these types of topologies must have their own advantages and challenges.

To select a network topology, there are some considerations that you should look at from connectivity, cost, speed, size, to the environment.

For this time will be discussed further about ring topology. As the name suggests, this type of topology does have a form of ring-like circuit because on the circuit each one is connected to another 2 points. Then what are the ring topology characteristics? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of the ring topology when used? Here is more complete explanation of the ring topology definition.

Understanding Ring Topology
Ring topology is a type of network topology where the form of each line is connected at two other points, so that it can form like ring circle path. Usually the cable used in the ring topology is the BNC cable that there is no end so it does not require a terminator.

To form a ring network, then each central needs to be connected to the series between each other so that it will form a closed loop relationship.

In this network topology system, every central is designed to be able to interact with central that is within proximity or far apart. So that this ring topology does have the ability to be able to perform switching in any direction workstation.

Ring topology Characteristics

Here are some characteristics of ring topology, namely:
  1. The nodes will be linked in series to the cable by forming a network that looks like a circle.
  2. It looks simple in the layout, as is the bus topology type.
  3. Data packets can flow into one direction, either left or right, making the collision inevitable.
  4. Problems that occur can be the same as in the bus topology, if there is one node that is damaged it can cause the entire node will not communicate in the network.
  5. Cable type that usually used is UTP cable or Patch Cable.
How Ring Topology Works

For how it works alone, in the ring topology each node has a function as a repeater or signal amplifier for nodes either before or after. So that every device can then work together to get a signal from before and be forwarded to the next node. In the process of receiving signals and forwarding the data signal will be assisted by a tool called token.

The token itself contains the data of the source from the previous computer, after which the token will stream the data at any point or node.

If the data is needed on a node then the data will be accepted by that node. But when the node is not needed then the node will be streamed to the next node. The Data that flows will then run continuously until it reaches the final destination.

Excess Ring topology

Here are some advantages and advantages of ring topology, among others are:
  1. Easy to design and implement it.
  2. The ring topology is better compared with the bus topology, even though the data flow is big and heavy though.
  3. Easy configuration and installation of new devices.
  4. Easy to diagnose, isolate errors, and damage in the network due to existing configuration using point on point system.
  5. The use of cable is quite sparingly.
  6. Flowing data streams will be faster and capable of handling high data traffic though because this type of network topology can serve data coming from right or left of server.
  7. There will be no risk of collision when sending data because at one time there will be only one node that can transmit data.
Lack of Ring topology

Although it has many advantages, but ring topology also has some disadvantages which you need to note include:
  1. If there is damage on one node, it will interfere with the entire network, to solve it you can use double ring or dual ring.
  2. Network development is felt less flexible, because to move, adding and changing network devices will affect the entire network.
  3. Data communication will depend heavily on the number of nodes present in the network.
  4. Tends to be difficult to configure when compared to the star topology.
  5. Requires more special handling and processing for bandles.
  6. The signal will be weaker if the distance travelled in order to reach the remote destination.
Well that was explained about the sense of ring topology along with characteristics, workings, to the advantages and disadvantages it has. Of course, each ring topology has its own characteristics. So choose the type of ring topology that is suitable for your needs.

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